St. Ann Center Marketing Materials

Goal: Promote the services and happenings at St. Ann Center for Intergenerational Care, a day care for kids, adults with disabilities, and elderly by creating various marketing materials. St. Ann Center has 2 campuses: the Stein Campus and the Bucyrus Campus.

Responsible for: Concept, design, and most photos.

Programs used: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop

Quarterly Newsletter

This quarterly newsletter gets mailed out to our contacts along with copies available to the community located at both campuses. This particular newsletter was for an October-December issue. The whole newsletter can be viewed here.

Newspaper Ad

This is an ad design for St. Ann Center’s swim and child day care program. It was published during Black History Month hence the Martin Luther King Jr. references. This ad was featured in The Milwaukee Times Newspaper and can also be viewed digitally by clicking here. It can be found on page 9.


This is an invitation for a fundraising event at St. Ann Center’s Bucyrus Campus for their bandshell that hosts a summer entertainment series.


This is a flyer for St. Ann Center’s community medical clinic. The whole flyer can be found here.

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